Exercises Exercises using Cushions Cervical Exercises Dorsal Exercises Lumbar Exercises Extremities Exercises Excercises with Fulcrums EXCERCISE 1 Using cushions, Instruction EXCERCISE 2 Using cushions, hip extension EXCERCISE 3 Using cushions, bridge pose EXCERCISE 4 Using cushions, lateral lumbar movement Cervical EXCERCISE 1 Cervical Lateral Flexion EXCERCISE 2 Cervical Extension Thoracic EXCERCISE 1 Strengthening Back Muscles EXCERCISE 2 Thoracic stretch EXCERCISE 3 Extensión Dorsal EXCERCISE 4 Thoracic stretch forward, backward and side bending Lumbar EXCERCISE 1 Lumbar Stretch EXCERCISE 2 Lumbar Lateral Flexion EXCERCISE 3 Lumbar Rotation EXCERCISE 4 Low back figure 4 stretch Extremities EXCERCISE 1 Shoulder rotation on wall EXCERCISE 2 Supraspinatus exercise EXCERCISE 3 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome EXCERCISE 4 Hip muscle stretch, AP EXCERCISE 5 Hip muscle stretch, Lateral EXCERCISE 6 Knee flexion EXCERCISE 7 Knee flexion and mobilization EXCERCISE 8 Full knee extension with towel Para agendar Escríbenos a WhatsApp Agenda ya! CONSULTORIO BOGOTÁ Calle 140 No 11-58 / Local 44 cc Puerta del Sol Cel: 321 249 8702 Youtube Diseño: fernandocastellar.com